Friday, June 25, 2010

Inspiration #1

I read in an article one day that a famous art museum director in NYC simply cannot stand anymore color combination in his own apartment that he has literally left his apartment bare, with only a few white-washed necessities: a mattress, a chair and some other items.  The walls are left bare and walking into the apartment you'd think it's been empty for years.   In his day job, he is in charge of placing and presenting each art piece, a job so detail-oriented that even an inch to the left is considered a crime.  Oh, the irony.  But Sometimes I wish I could also live in a place that like and just blend into the white open space.  How nice it would be to give my eyes and mind a rest when I come home, not having to look at all the different colors clashing against each other, competing for attention, just like all the other things in life, but to find peace and comfort and to cleanse the spirit.

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